3 Badminton Coaches

I think I’m reaching some kind of badminton craziness. I had just signed up for 10 lessons with my third coach! Now I’m being coached by Paul Koo, Lili Zhou, Chandra all at the same time. Paul likes to have me do footwork and build muscle mass. Lili focus on fine technique of the wrist, Chandra likes to do quickness, power drills.

Different days, but all together. Breaking this down, it will cost me around $600 per month, just in private lessons. 4 hours of coaching, 4 hour team training, 9 hours of playing games.

Question for myself is whether I can sustain this for the next 4 years.

Last night was GGBC ( Golden Gate Badminton Club ) grand opening in Emveryville. I took the AC transit from SF and it only took 15 minutes across the bay. The place was pretty much empty, it was a rare treat for badminton players who seldom get to play singles games in crowded courts.

I played a total of 5 singles game, 2 doubles, and was barely winded. It was a combination of my training for the past 2 weeks as well as playing with people not at the same level. Also for the singles games, I didn’t smash from the back court unless I had a high probability of winning the point, I hit attacking clears, drops and made my opponents run around the court.


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