Flips and Jumps at Acrosports Gym in San Francico : My First Published And Paid Writing on Yahoo! Contributor Network

Yahoo! bought a company named Associated Content, which was recently changed to Yahoo! Contributor Network. I am the software architect on the backend content management system for Yahoo! Media and actively working with the engineer trying to integrate the great tools from Associated Content into the Yahoo! infrastructure.

In order to truly understand the power of Associated Content, I thought I would be a writer in the network and try to actively participate in the ecosystem in order to understand the positives and negatives of the system.

Here is the published piece of article when I was given the assignment to write about a local gym in San Francisco that is not a chain, like 24 hour Fitness.

I was paid a fixed amount, enough for a latte.

Click on the link to check out the published article: Flips and Jumps at Acrosports Gym in San Francicohttp://www.associatedcontent.com/article/6101712/flips_and_jumps_at_acrosports_gym_in.html

* I log in to contributor.yahoo.com, sign up for an account
* Browse through writing assignments
* Claim an assignment
* Write and Submit
* Wait for approval
* Got alerted in a day that it was approved
* Also got an alert that my payment for the piece of writing would arrive in my Paypal account!

This is way cool! Yahoo! Contributor Network connects websites that need content with writers who can write and have domain or local knowledge!


  • For someone like me, who just want to write and get interesting ideas of what to write, the assignment desk is very useful and gets me focused
  • I like the deadlines, which also forces me to finish up
  • getting paid via paypal is super easy
  • signing up is quick and easy
  • I get paid up front and also will get paid on a revenue shared basis when my content found via any search engine and gets viewed


  • not a easy way to browse and get alerted on assignments unless I was targeted
  • hard to fix typos later
  • hard to refer others when I see an assignment that I’m not a good fit for

More on writing for Yahoo! Contributor Network


This is an ongoing series of writings for me to understand the value of Yahoo! Contributor Network.  See other similar posts on the Yahoo! Contributor Network

“The views expressed in this post are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of Yahoo!.


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