Category: iprive

  • Dear Yelp, you could be so much more

    Dear Yelp, you could be so much more

    Dear Yelp, I am writing to you as a small business owner as well as a loyal foodie using your app to find great places to eat.  I have rated over 100 small businesses, most restaurants.  I manage the digital infrastructure of 2 restaurants in the Bay Area and the Yelp for Business Owner pages. Everyone has…

  • I Privé New Summer Dish: Salmon Fiesta dish is as good as it looks

    I am a partner at a modern Japanese restaurant in Burlingame, California Our new Salmon Fiesta dish is as good as it looks. Enjoy six pieces of wild king salmon sashimi wrapped in cucumber and mango, served with sweet vinaigrette. It’s a refreshing and delightful way to begin your dining experience. And if salmon…