Run The Paris Metro: #2 – 10.56 miles

Running to the metro stations in Paris is getting me to run more that I’ve ever done in my  life.  Every other day I’m running around 10 miles.  That’s almost a half-marathon.  I stop to take photos, consume some wonderful food, coffee and run at a pace faster than I would run a half.  Today’s little trip took me to some new stations but the food was the reward as my final destination was the famous Poilane

Today’s route cover 23 stations

Their bread is served in a lot of restaurants in Paris and they will even fedex the bread to you for 40 euros.

  1. pick up a cafe maccaron and go into a cafe to stand at the bar to drink a cappucino with my maccaron.  Standing at the bar is much cheaper than sitting down and the French don’t mind that you eat other food with your coffee.  macaroon: 1.40 euro cap: 2.20 euro
  2. passing by a farmer’s market, picked up 2 ripe apricots and chow down. 1.50 euro
  3. my destination of the day was Poilane .  I picked up 2 of the most wonderful Tarte aux Pommes and ate them at a nearby park.  2.20 euro


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