Tag: europe

  • Tonight’s Munich Gamble: Ended In Disaster

    After a very fillilng meal of traditional German food of fatty pork and dumplings for lunch, I’m up for some sushi. It’s 9:58 and I’m trying to find some good food here in Munich, a search for ‘munich late night dining’ found me this CNN article http://www.cnn.com/FOOD/restaurants/weissmann/world/munich.html#ASIAN Tonight’s gamble: Sho-ya-Sushi—Though the city offers a bounty…

  • Travel By Bike In Europe: Essential Gear Check List

    As I get ready to leave for Munich for a short one week trip, I’m 2 hours away from the train leaving and as I get ready to pack I thought I write down the list of things so I remember to bring them.  Might as well share it here, why not, it helps me…