Category: pushup
The +100 Push Up Club
In 2005 I watched the movie Coach Carter where Samuel Jackson was trying to get the kids running suicides drills from one corner of the court to the other side and back again. That is brutal. What peaked my interest was actually the push ups. One kid was being punished and Samuel Jackson asked him…
Push Up Thursday, week 2: 200
Listening to Maria Callas starts my 2nd week of push ups. I set a 15 minute timer to do 40 every 15 minutes, but you can spread it out over 24 hours if you wish 9:19 am @ cube +40 40 9:38 am @ cube +40 80 (listening to Handel) 9:53 am @ cube +40…
Push Up Thursday Week 1: 100
A few years ago, I started a club in Yahoo to do as many push ups we can in 24 hours. We started at 100 and each week, we increased it by 100. most members got to 1,000. I got to 2,200 in 24 hours. It is based on a simple concept that if you…
Push Up Thursday is back (2,100)
I’ve been sick with a flu and cough for the last 3 weeks and pushups stopped because my whole body was sored. This dude has now gotten to 2,001 and we are both shooting for 2,100 push ups in 24 hours. Here goes +50 : 50 11:02 am +50 : 100 11:04 am +80 :…
Push Up Contest At Yahoo!
Over at the Vendor showcase day at Yahoo! they were doing of all things a push up contest. Everyone was getting me on to try it. The record was 201 push ups by a Yahoo! super stud. (Stu Y.) The rule was that you can rest on top or do a downward facing dog. I…
Push Up Thursday (1,800)
Y! Push Up Club A group of people trying to do as many push ups, pull-ups, sit-ups as we can in 24 hours. Start anytime between 12:00am and 12:00pm of the day, you can blog, blast message about your status during the day. Thursday: Sep 16, 2005 1,800 push ups +100 each week +70 70…
Push Up Thursday (1,700 minus 700)
This week marks 1,000 for many of the club members. I’ve ordered 2 cakes for the team. A chocolate valencia and a lemon chiffon. I’m trying for 1,700 this week +50 (50) 9:05am +70 (120) 11:32am +70 (190) 1:13pm +50 (240) 4:11pm +50 (290) 4:15pm +70 (360) 4:38pm +70 (440) 8:00pm +70 (510) 9:58pm +70…
Push up Thursday (1,500)
Push up club starting again. There are 2 hidden members who are also doing it, but will be more public later (I hope) Other members doing push ups on Thursdays Kelly Shawn Brian JW Scott +50 8:23am on train +70 120 8:37am on train +50 170 8:44am on train +50 220 1:26pm (in cube now,…
Push Up Thursday (1,400)
It’s that time of the week, the Y! Pushup Club is going very strong. I’m shooting for 1,400 in 24 hours. It’s going to be harder since I’m seeing Les Miz tonight so I decided to start later to give more time tomorrow Other members doing push ups on Thursdays Kelly Shawn Brian JW Scott…