Category: life-strategies
Advice: For The Person In My Life
This life is your experience, you have control over it, no one else. Meet people, students, faculty! Find your people. Be wrong often. Ask for help Worthy of your time Be Nice Shower your world with the best of you can offer.
Hello Monday with Jessi Hempel: Mastering Change with Author Bruce Feiler
A linear life is a nice idea. But as 2020 has taught us, life is way more like a game of chutes and ladders. We’re up. We’re down. We’re sidelined by a global pandemic. Unexpected change can feel disorienting, but according to author Bruce Feiler, navigating through is also a huge opportunity for growth. Bruce sits…
Talks at Google: Ep 84 – Ryan Holiday: “Stillness is the Key”
Talks at Google: Ep 84 – Ryan Holiday: “Stillness is the Key” [00:41:15] Routine, having enough, saying NO, doing what is most important early.
Thought Experiment:What If You Disappear Tomorrow
At work, what would change, would people truly miss you? In your personal life, what would change and who would mourn you? Now, start to do more of what is important and less of what is not valuable.
There Is No Life Script
While listening to a podcast about the child free life (not childless life), a reminder that there is no script for life.
Advice: From Someone Wise
My gift for you this year is PRESENCE. May you be utterly present in your life this year. Deeply aware of YOUR magnificence and of everything around you. Conscious of what makes you flow more freely. Confident in who and how you BE. Grateful for every moment. Living NOW. Birthday Blessings!
Heard on HBR podcast, the triangle of a job
It is often not possible to get all three 1. job satisfaction and meaning 2. money 3. lifestyle Most jobs can give you 2 out of 3. You may have to adopt a side hustle to fullfil the missing piece.
Take The Journey As a Team
Who Is On Your Team? Taking a journey alone is not only difficult, lonely but also not sustainable. Starting with simple personal goals such as exercising. If I am only accountable to myself, I can skip a day, skip a week, skip a month, I only have to answer to my nagging self. If I…
Reading – Thinking – Writing
I have recently started a media detox program of not reading online news, online blogs, social networks (Twitter, LinkedIn, FB, Instagram). Instead I am focusing on listening to interview based podcasts and reading physical books. During this journey of reassessing how I spend my attention and time, I also started powering off my cell phone…