Category: productivity
Staying Productive : from After Hours Podcast
Do one thing at a time, turn off notifications Saying no to almost everything, pretend if the ask is for tomorrow, would you say yes? Turn off email notifications Switch to paper Getting outside Every meeting tends to fill the time allocation, push to finish early Carving out alone time Read books to be exposed…
In the areas of learning and development
(This post is not for you, it’s for me) It started out as 5% of my time. Just a 4-hour hands-on workshop with new hires once a month. Now it’s the following 1 engineer working on developing a hands-on workshop that will track start, finish, and verification. Able to track usage, validate answers and replace…
Spending habits in 2019
In 2019, I wanted try something a bit different than 2018. In 2018, I didn’t buy anything that was not a consumable. In 2019, I wanted to be less extreme and only buy non consumables once every quarter. In Q1 2019 – I have bought 2 pairs of shoes and that is it. Something else…
Mis en place
I remember my mom tried to teach me this when I was young. Put things back in it’s place. Of course she said it in Chinese. She was not very successful in teaching me. I was not a great listener when I was young. I am still struggling with this at home, everything back in…
Link: What Should We Measure?
In this blog post, Tim Ottinger shares his thoughts on what we should measure in the software industry and more importantly on what not to measure.
Kanban Team and Physical board
When I was running a scrum team at Splunk focusing on engineering productivity Quarterly goals on top Swim lanes for Ready, in progress, verify and done
link: Ten Tips on Organizing Your Mind, from Dr. Daniel Levitin – Speakeasy – WSJ
I’m using one of his tips, which is to create a high priority email address for everyone important in your life and a 2nd email for everything else. The neuroscientist that brought us bestsellers “This is Your Brain on Music” and “The World in Six Songs” has turned his attention to the problem of organization.…
Goodbye, hello
2018 update: Now I have for long term storage, dropbox for daily syncs update: is not doing any better either after my switch. The sync app hung and I had to kill it. Recently the sync app on my Mac has been chewing up 100% of my CPU causing my machine…