Tag: writing
Why should engineers write?
I write a lot of internal documentation, blogs to convey ideas for my future self as well as for engineers internally to reference. Younger engineers often are reluctant to write anything other than code. Here are reasons to write Writing something down clarifies your own understanding of the topic It’s one of the highest leverage…
Why Do I Blog Publicly?
(The photo is my sfbadminton.org group playing a badminton tournament at Stanford) Why Do I Blog Publicly? Before I answer that question. I will tell you who is the audience for my blog at tonytam.org. Audience I write the blog with me as the primary target audience. The reason I write is to clarify and…
Marsh “You Choose I Write”
The summer wind softly fans across the marsh. The sound of the tall stalks swaying from side to side can only be heard by those who care to listen. The marsh is not a place to explore. It is a vast flat land, with seemingly large patches of water and tall grass repeated as far…
Living The Future (“I choose, write”)
This is a 30 minute piece of fictional story that C. and I are working on. She picks a word like ‘Newspaper’ and I write a 400 word story using that word as a central theme. I picked “eraser” for her. We call this series: “I choose, you write” —— Rusty looked in the mirror and…
30 Minutes Of Focus Time For Children And Adults
I spent Christmas night and the day after Christmas with my parents and my sister’s 2 kids. A 2 year old girl “C”. and 4 year old boy “M”. We all spent the morning filled with sounds of the TV and the new Nintendo games the kids got for Christmas. Thirty minutes before we are…
Flips and Jumps at Acrosports Gym in San Francico : My First Published And Paid Writing on Yahoo! Contributor Network
Yahoo! bought a company named Associated Content, which was recently changed to Yahoo! Contributor Network. I am the software architect on the backend content management system for Yahoo! Media and actively working with the engineer trying to integrate the great tools from Associated Content into the Yahoo! infrastructure. In order to truly understand the power…