Category: inspiration
Being Average Tony
If you ask 100 people if they were average overall, most would say they are above average. We all think we are the most unique person in the world and rightfully so. but if we are so unique, why are we going to the same music concert as 20,000 others, why are we all watching…
It’s raining here in Paris so Kate and I decided to stay inside. I started randomly surfing the net and found some really cool articles. search for memento lead to some site to track memory which lead to a interesting article about quirkyalone and the official site Quirkyalone: noun/adj. A person who enjoys being…
Poison In My Body
My body is boiling, poison has seeped through ever since yesterday. poison that I thought were long gone. How does one purge this? With the power of positive thinking? With denial? With counting ones blessing? No, with work, being consumed with what I love. No, with running, doing what I love. No, with music, listening…
For all the moms and dads out there, really take the time to enjoy the first 5 years of your child’s life. After they start school and learn how to reason with you, the relationship becomes very different. I miss the days when Kate didn’t question anything. I enjoy her current age, but I often…
75,000 tulips at Filoli Gardens Woodside, CA
Bay Area dwellers, did you know about Filoli Gardens in Woodside, CA? They planted 75,000 bulbs for spring, go there and check out the amazing flowers. It reminds me of a dwarf size Hearst Castle for the house and Monet’s garden in France for the flowers. They are all in full bloom this weekend and…
Retirement at 50?
Lunch conversation started around retirement and what would we do if we were able to retire right now? The gut reaction I had was obviously stop working.. then on further thought, what would I do with my free time? I still had Kate to take care of, she goes to school, I can’t just pack…
Am I Chinese or American?
A little background: I immigrated to the US when I was 10 years old from mainland China. I spent 2 years living in Chinatown where I was in a ESL program and struggled for a long time with English and obviously everything else that required English. I think it wasn’t until 7th grade before I…
Tear Jerker Japanese TV Show: Story Of Ah Xing
阿 信的故事 This is a story of a young girl in Eastern Japan during the years of WWII. Her family were poverished farmers who could not farm enough to feed their children. Both sister were ‘sold’ to others in order to send money back. She was eventually sold for one year as an indenture servant…
Flowers From Frontyard
I don’t know what this flower is call, but I started with 2 strands of it 5 summers ago and now it’s replicating itself. It has one of most attention grabing brightness. I dug up a bunch to my parents and some friends last year, it’s amazing to see this flower bloom year after year.